Bind/Named servers upgraded

Picture of Tim Davis

Tim Davis

Senior Cloud and Security Engineer

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Bind/Named servers upgraded to the latest stable ISC bind – 9.6.1
Some of the important features of BIND 9 are:

•DNS Security
◦DNSSEC (signed zones)

◦TSIG (signed DNS requests)
•IP version 6
◦Answers DNS queries on IPv6 sockets
◦IPv6 resource records (AAAA, DNAME, etc.)
◦Experimental IPv6 Resolver Library
•DNS Protocol Enhancements
◦IXFR, DDNS, Notify, EDNS0
◦Improved standards conformance
◦One server process can provide multiple “views” of the DNS namespace, e.g. an “inside” view to certain clients, and an “outside” view to others.
•Multiprocessor Support
•Improved Portability Architecture

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